Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm Back....

Hellooooo I'm back to Blogging - About Time!

Well alot has been going on with me since Christmas.

I've had my Thyroid taken out and am slowly recovering back to my old self!
I've had a few ups and downs but I think I had a break through over this weekend...

So Welcome back me!     Hooray!

This is me the day after Surgery - I look terrible but I didn't feel too bad - I was pretty doped up at this stage!

So I stayed in Hospital for 3 days and came home on the Saturday. I was so worried about being put to sleep for 3 hours but it's just like most things! It is the fear of the unknown!
I was fine and didn't have any weird reaction.

Hospital Highlights:
Visitors - I love my Family and Friends
Great Nurses - So friendly and honestly caring
Lovely Roomies - It was great to have people to chat to.
The sense of humour of the 84 year old lady in the bed across from me! So funny!

Hospital Horribles:
Food!!!! When I could eat I didn't really want to - Blah
Speedy Doctors: I'm drugged up people I need you to speak slowly... very very slowly!!!!
I had some visitors, Mum of course, Daniel, my Dad and my Brother, Tracey and Sam with Little Morgan.
I was pretty out of it so I hope I was decent and not falling asleep on you when you came to see me :)

I also got a call from my Little Sister who is in Spain - It was so good that she called. I miss her!
She gave me this little chick - Which I now know is a Wot Wot - Dotty or Spotty or something like that!
Anyway - I had her with me to keep me company and she really did make me feel better. Thanks Ange

I want to say a big Thanks to my Mum - You were so amazing and you made me feel so much better about everything.
Love You Big!

Also, I came home to this lovely message on my Kitchen Blackboard from Daniel. Sweet!

I also got these lovely flowers from Linda that I work with Mon to Fri - She is great. How gorgeous are these!

Well that is my 1st Blog for this year. I will be back with some updates on what I've been up to creatively soon.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're starting to feel better after everything you've been through. Looking forward to seeing your creative genius at work.
